written by: Pastor Nirhal
photos by: Jeff Chua
Saturday - 19 August 2006. Would we reach 60 persons or not? Well, I had come to church already decided that even if we had just a few newcomers, and although we did not reach the target of 60 persons - we would still screen the DVD "Indescribable"
Well - as it turns out - we recorded a pretty good attendance - 53 persons in all!! Woohoo.... highest for an average Saturday meeting - only like abt 11-12% short of our target ..... 88-89% in school is normally a distinction, yea? ;)
Also we saw at least 2 people indicate for salvation / rededication of life.... angels in Heaven were rejoicing!!! And so was I!!!
The fact was that because school holidays had started as well as college study break for some - there were a number of regulars who were not around - and still we managed to record this number!
Well, this shows that GRYP is capable of moving on with good crowds - inviting our friends to "come and see" what we are really apssionate about - on Saturdays!!!
For all those who took the effort to reach out & invite your friends whether they came or not - my deep thanks to you - your efforts are noted & recorded Up Above....
And better things are yet to come. Let's continue to attempt better & better thnings for our Master.... King Jesus!!!
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