Sunday, July 29, 2007

proverbs 16:9

dear readers,

prayer last Sat was awesome,we started off praying for church camp and growth,and then divert our focus to thanking God for YA.short and simple,but meanigful prayers.=)

to get the ppl pumped,the chairman for that day,Toefl,got the guys to do pumping and the girls to do "the ear-pulling" thingy.and then worship started led by Joe.we had a special guest that day,Ps Matt from BOH.he gave a short sharing abt his plans and God's plans for him,directing our attention to proverbs 16:9-The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps..reminded us again and again,that whatever that the world has to offer is not God's plans for us.the world would tell you that you need a car,a house,a career,money and family,but those are not God's plans for us.though it is not wrong to have those things,but we must always be ready to give up our dreams and desires when God calls us for His purpose and will =) he also joked abt not understanding the term "la" that we,malaysians,are so used to.btw,he's an american,so that explains.hehe.

then we were spiltted up to our respective MAXIS group.and we were dismissed.

if you think this post ends here,you are wrong =p

weee cherry coke cherry coke,bro john kept his word..actually he did more,instead of giving out one,he gave out three cherry cokes and two vanilla cokes.thanks bro john =) and congrats aaron and edmund,but be careful,there's a "pencuri cherry coke"-yes,in church itself!you think i put this pic here for fun?though it's no more cherry coke giving period,i hope that you ppl,those who have not sign up,PLEASE sign up,DON'T WAIT.for a blue moon

most important highlight..bro john gave out these small papers,where we're to commit the names of the ppl we want to see coming to the Lord,continually praying to them and reaching out to them,bear in mind that you're responsible for these names that you write down,(remember what Ps Matt said?),and if they dun come to Christ,you MIGHT (might only ah) have to answer to God one day =) knowing the seriousness,i personally have not done it =/ and when you have written the names down,pls remember to place a copy of it on the GRYP board with your name below it =)

blogged by,

Cassie =) see ya peeps on Sat!

Monday, July 23, 2007

GRACE (notice)

Although our camp theme is G.Race or Grace, PLEASE be notified that I am not a person full of grace when it comes to registration...

PLEASE if you're 80% which I know most is already 100% going, Please sign up! So far there is only 4 signed up including me... So please help us in this and sign up this coming week. Can?

I know Malaysian always like to drag and drag, Let's change this, come on. It only 2 weeks away to closing date already.

Thank you,

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


blogged by:-Cassie HAS been a loonnggggg time since i blogged here.i know i know.terrible what did we have last week?passion?compassion?

YA started off with prayers...and weird that i kinda prefer prayer like it was last one was assigned to pray on breaking into groups..everything was so spontaneous..and it was obvious that ppl are praying because they want to pray..just like that..can almost hear "Let The River Flow" in the background..yea..

then started off with worship..led by Joe and it was good worship =).off to games..okay me..*takes deep breath* buttercup,juwita,princess Nat,maid servant,michiru,coconute boy,waffle girl,clever *cough cough* boy,tofu-la,yiman,fei fei,supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,brown shoes,megatron,optimus prime,starscream,ahkerA1,liewsiewling,crunchy girl,pinky,scaredy cat *gasp for air*...i know there's no scaredy cat..i added that one in for Charis cause she chickened out and didn't do hers..i wonder if i miss anyone out?*shrug*

then it was sermon time..we had Pastor Brian in the house (during worship session,i thought i saw Pastor Nirhal -_-")..and his sermon was titled "Passion for God,Compassion for People"...he told us that there's 3 types of ppl in this world..the unreach ppl,the unsaved ppl and the unchurched ppl...and how can we cultivate a passion for God.first up,there's prayer.yes we all know prayer is powerful and how it should be a part of our daily life.but are you praying like Jeremiah?are you weeping and mourning for the ppl you pray for?does you heart cries out when you are filled with the burden of the lost?then ther;es the Word of God.Pastor Brian introduced us to the term "yoyo Christian"..well it was new to me..or not's where believers swing from one side to the other..being up-really jolly and thanking God for everything,cause life is oh-so-great....being down-blaming God,being resentful towards Him just cause life isn't going your way.

and last but not least,our lifestyle...."you are the light & the salt".how many times have we heard this before?ppl are watching you..action speaks louder than words.the way you dress,talk, i guess we should think twice or more before we say or do something,cause we hold a bigger accountability to the Big Man up there,and not just the leaders in church =)

we end the meeting last saturday with refreshments..why do they call it refreshment?don't ppl get slightly sleepy after eating?*shrug* so anyway,there were drinks and muffins and cakes and yea.we just hang out and eat and chat.

and that's all for the day.will be back next week,to bring you more news on YA =)

p/s:-yes ppl i googled up supercalifragilisticexpialidocious