Monday, April 09, 2007

Freebies... *but please don't abuse*


I was struggling to post this up actually, but since not many people visit here often (which they should instead of friendstering)

There a lot of sermon uploaded by our agent in Sydney. But before I throw in the link,

Note :

1) These Materials aren't cheap. They cost really really a lot. Please do not take and distribute burn and distribute around without asking me first. I will determine whether it is necessary or not.

2) It takes lots of man hour to upload the files to the internet. Many thanks to Eastlyn, when you see her online, thank her. Else you can just sms it to her Maxis number.

3) Take and appreciate the material and the effort. Do not take anything for granted. Due to heavy traffic at times, the website might be slow. Do not complain because it takes twice that speed to put it online. Do remember that.

Now the link

Follow This Link to Sermon Download

1 comment:

Nirhal said...

chk this out too: